Exploring the Wonderful World of Mint

Mint, with its refreshing aroma and distinct flavor, is not only a culinary delight but also offers a plethora of health benefits. Let’s delve into the various types of mints and uncover the advantages they bring.


A cross between wintermint and spearmint, peppermint is known for its bold and cooling flavor profile. Peppermint is widely used in candies, desserts, and of course as a tea. The biggest reason for its wide appeal resides at the chemical level, with a special substance known as menthol. Pamela Dalton, a sensory scientist and member of the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia, says “when people eat peppermint, they feel refreshed and experience a positive mood change”. The beloved peppermint is also used to soothe digestive issues such as indigestion and bloating and inhaling peppermint can alleviate tension headaches; and drinking peppermint tea can promote alertness and improve cognitive function.


Spearmint tea comes from the brewed leaves of the spearmint plant. Spearmint boasts a milder, sweeter flavor compared to peppermint, making it a popular choice for culinary applications. Spearmint tea tastes light and fresh and slightly sweet. It is believed to have many health properties including freshening the breath with antibacterial properties, helping digestion due to a compound that helps the muscles relax, and reducing inflammation in conditions like arthritis and sore muscles.

Chocolate Mint

Chocolate mint is a delightful variety that combines the classic minty taste with hints of chocolate. Tracing its ancestry back to Europe, Africa, and Asia, though the exact origin of this particular hybrid is unclear. Chocolate mint contains antioxidants and vitamins that can help protect cells, potassium and manganese, as well as rosmarinic acid. With chocolate mint in your diet, you can treat digestive issues including nausea and heartburn as well as relieve  allergy symptoms due to the anti-inflammatory effects of compounds in chocolate mint.

Lemon Balm

While not a true mint, lemon balm belongs to the mint family and offers a citrusy, lemon-like flavor. It’s reputation has been long established since the 7th century as a versatile, delicious, and beneficial herb. Lemon balm, known as a calming herb that helps to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. Consuming lemon balm tea before bedtime may help improve sleep quality and alleviate insomnia.

Incorporating various types of mint into your diet and daily routine can not only tantalize your taste buds but also provide numerous health benefits. Whether you prefer the invigorating kick of peppermint or the subtle sweetness of spearmint, there’s a mint variety to suit every palate and purpose. So go ahead, embrace the versatility of mint, and reap its refreshing rewards!

You can find a few of these mint varieties in Bella Mae’s blends, Call Me Ms. Lou (Spearmint & Peppermint), Jamaica, Jamaica (Peppermint), All That Jazz (Lemon Balm), and Great Day in June (Lemon Balm).

Happy Sipping!

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