Stay Cool With Hot Tea

The last few weeks have been a douse. Where did all this heat come from? This is the perfect time to make a cup of your favorite Bella Mae’s Tea blend. I know what you are thinking, and I used to think the same thing.

Hear me out, hot tea will cool you down.

It has been proven that drinking hot tea cools the body under certain conditions. Hot tea raises the temperature in the stomach and ‘tricks’ the brain and body into working hard to regulate your body temperature which causes you to sweat more. The sweat then evaporates, which helps keep you cool.

The process is called evaporative cooling. The process uses the cooling effect of water as it evaporates. When water evaporates, it absorbs heat from the surrounding air, which cools the air down. In an experiment by Smithsonian Magazine, they found drinking a hot cuppa results in a lower amount of heat stored inside your body, provided the additional sweat produced when you drink the hot drink. When you sweat, it gets vaporized from the skin into the atmosphere, by taking in heat from the body. This endothermic reaction to vaporize the sweat causes the body to cool down as it loses heat.

Keep in mind, you must be hydrated, have airflow to the skin, and have low humidity conditions. On a humid day, you get hot and sticky since the sweat cannot evaporate into the saturated air. Therefore, it remains on your skin and you don’t cool off.

Go ahead and drink that hot tea on a hot (not humid) day.

If you aren’t sure what type of day you are working with, here are a few suggested Bella Mae’s Tea blends that are great hot and iced for these summer months.

Sweat and stay cool out in these streets.

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