The Marriage of Tea and Honey (Part 3)

Personalized Honey Jar s

Tea and honey is a marriage made in heaven. This month has been all about honey. In the previous posts, Benefits of Honey and Top 5 Things You Need To Know About Honey, we spoke with Thinus, the “hive evangelist” at Raw Honey USA. He shared some gems with Bella Mae’s Tea.

To complete the series, we spoke with Teri Chu, the owner of Bees + Blossom about the marriage of honey and tea. She shares how she got into the business of honey.


Tell me about Bees + Blossom.

Bees + Blossom specializes in customized sweet and charming gifts with a modern twist. Growing up, I always had a penchant towards crafting gifts for others. I found it extremely rewarding every time it brought a smile to someone. I gravitated towards party favors because I love the endless possibilities of creating something unique by selectively combining simple materials like ribbons, paper, tags, fabric, and packaging. Bees + Blossom is a passion project 20 years in the making and I’m excited to launch early this year. Since launching, it has been extremely well received by the Etsy community and I am so thankful for all the support. This has truly enabled me to do something I love which is bringing joy to others through thoughtful design.

Why did you choose to get into the world of honey?

Getting into the world of honey happened serendipitously last Fall. I happily volunteered to make party favors for a Bridal Shower. Knowing how much the Bride loves tea, I decided to pair some of her favorite teas with honey! I wanted to make these gifts more festive, so I sourced charming little jars and designed an intimately personalized label. They were a hit at the bridal shower. Suddenly friends and relatives began reaching out for personalized honey jar orders. Through word of mouth, my business began to grow and along the journey, I met a lot of new people and friends.  I launched Bees + Blossom as a way to build new friendships and share my passion with others. 

What does the marriage of tea and honey mean to you?

I believe the best marriages are those that are balanced and carefully crafted with love. That’s exactly how I believe tea and honey should be as well. A harmonious balance of flavors. In the end, the flavors never overpower and you’re left with a subtle sweetness you just can’t get enough of


We say goodbye to National Honey Month. I hope you learned as much as I have…honey has a strange way of guiding people to their calling. Whether you need honey for your daily cup of tea or need charming little jars of honey to commemorate a special occasion, continue to celebrate with a bit of sweetness in your life. You have now received the tea on honey.

You can find Teri Chu, Bees + Blossom, on Etsy. Specializing in custom sweet + charming little gifts.

PS. The packaging is too cute. I absolutely love my honey.

..because it’s peace.

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