How To Make The Perfect Cup of Tea

Is a perfect cup of tea a myth? As I am learning more about tea, herbs and the properties, a perfect cup is subjective. Everyone has their own way of achieving this. However, there are key elements one must consider when brewing tea to maximize its flavor.

Each tea type (including herbal infusions) require a specific water temperature and steeping time. Why do you ask? Delicate teas like white tea and yellow tea only need a few minutes to steep and does not require the water to be fully boiled as it may result in burned leaves. Other teas need the full boil and longer steeping time to maximize its flavors.

Now, let’s get down to perfection…

Filtered water is a must have. Unfiltered water will throw off the flavor. The purer the water, the better the tea. You will definitely taste the difference.

Next, you need an electric or a traditional kettle to heat the water. Boil approximately 12 ounces of water to the recommended temperature . If you don’t have a thermometer, boil the water and allow the water to cool to the desired temperature. Fun Fact: You can find an electric kettle with temperature controls to adjust the settings.

Steeping Times & Temperature

Before brewing you tea, pour a quarter cup of boiled water in your mug/teapot. Swirl it. Warm it. Discard it. Hint: This is the secret to achieving perfection. Doing this step, your mug will be warmed to the desired temperature of the tea.

When it comes to infusers, there are a plethora of options for your steeping needs. Stainless steel mesh strainers, silicone figures, teapots, disposable filter bags – it’s whatever tickles your fancy. Steep for the recommended time to receive the nutrients. Remember, remove the strainer to stop steeping. Over-steeping will cause the tea to be bitter or too strong.

Once tea is brewed, add sweeteners, milk, or whatever you desire to perfect your cup of tea.

If you are unsure of the steeping times and temperatures for each tea type, you can download the Steeping Times and Temperature chart.

How do you make the perfect cup of tea? Inquiring minds want to know.

Until next time, steep well..because it’s peace!

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